Happy Heart!

March 9, 2015

Last week was the hardest week of my life. We have grieved and also felt closer to God than ever before. Husband and I were loved (and are still being loved) so well by our people. After such a rough week, I knew that I wanted to start this week off more joyful. To share the things that make my heart happy. Because I know that when I can find the happy in my life, things start to feel better. And that's certainly what I need as I continue to heal both physically and emotionally. So I'm bringing back my Happy Heart list for those things that make me terribly happy.

happy heart delights...
  • time spent with our house group (at the beach); we've never actually been to the beach as a group, but you wouldn't guess it from this awesome photo one of the guys 'doctored' up. Husband and I can always count on these people to show us God's love and support...and also bring us joyful laughter
  • finding a cold spot in the sheets when you feel like you're too hot under all the covers
  • home cooked meals
  • fresh squeezed lemonade
  • extra sunlight (the only good thing about daylight savings)
  • picking out furniture
  • a completed DIY project
  • feeling the Lord's presence and closeness
  • putting up holiday décor/touches (thankful for St. Patty's Day and Easter)
  • the first signs of spring's arrival
  • fresh flowers

Join me in thinking of those things that make you terribly happy too. Leave it in a comment below!